Nero, The Legendary Hunter

Chapter 88 - 87: Floor 4

After they finished meditating, Jana, Jair, and Breno moved up to Level 6, Honda to Level 7. Jingu had just leveled up to level 7 before, so there was no leveling up for her, but there was a stat boost.

"Oh yes, Jana, you can wear all my old armor. They give some attributes," Nero offered.

"I\'ll accept, thanks." The clothes she wore were regular clothes. She didn\'t have the money to buy status boosting armor.

"Now, we are 7 people. The first two floors of the dungeon I\'ll leave it to the rest of you; for me they\'re useless. Only Level 7 Monster Cores are for me. As for the 3rd floor, well, it should be the same thing as before, but I\'ll just stick with levels 7+. The rest can be left to you," Nero said.

Jair, Jana, and Breno had all heard of the phenomenon that happened when they\'d reach the third floor. It was hard to believe, but being with Nero, anything was possible.

Jana got dressed in the clothes given by Nero, and Breno on the side had a strange look on his face. Well, it was a very tight outfit, making Jana sexier than usual. Jana caught Breno\'s gaze and puffed out her breasts proudly.

After leaving the inn, Jana, Jair, and Breno were still looking all over the place like rubbernecks. After all, they just arrived in town, and they didn\'t know the city.

"After exploring the dungeon, we can show you around the city," Choko said.

"Okay." Jana nodded. She was indeed curious.

"Choko, I envy you. Your armor looks so good," Jana pouted.

"We\'re going to make about 10 dungeon runs and you\'ll have enough to buy a set too," Nero said.

"... I\'ll try my best." Jana was not discouraged.

With the armor she wore she already saw a slight difference. She was also faster, as this complete set gave agility.

Arriving in front of the dungeon, the guards already recognized Nero\'s group. Although they didn\'t recognize 3 of them. After seeing their Hunter Cards, they let them through.

"Can they make it to floor 4 this time?" one of the guards muttered.

"I think so. Have you seen Nero\'s level? 12, she is a monster!" The other guard spoke.

Nero listened, but turned a deaf ear and continued walking along with the others.

Once there, there were more than 50 cats.

As Nero said, she wasn\'t going to get involved. She just wanted the boss that was lv7.

Jingu was quick. She used <Spiral Drill> on a gorilla at level 6. This attack used the spiral technique, dealing physical damage from a distance and rendering the opponent immobile for 1 second. Then she cut off the feline\'s head.

Taking 1 arrow, Honda used: <Burst of Arrows>, shooting two arrows in a single attack, dealing physical damage at a distance, and consuming only 1 arrow.

"Eat this!" Jana yelled.

"<Fire Spears>!"

Jana attacked a level 6 gorilla with spears of fire from the sky, dealing more than 100% magic damage per spear. Currently, her level allowed her to launch 3 spears at once.

Jair took a deep breath. He ran at high speed and used <Fatal Attack>. His sword hit the level 6 feline\'s head and didn\'t kill it, however, it caused the monster to become stunned, and taking this chance, he cut off the cat\'s head.

Choko also took action. She ran and got in front of a level 6 feline. Dodging, she used: <Quick Combo>, attacking several times in all its vital points, causing a quick and painful death.

Breno, holding his long spear, was slower. He finally got in front of a level 6 feline and used <Impact>, inflicting melee physical damage to the target and nearby opponents, causing them to be pushed over each other. Breno twirled the spear several times in his hand and then began slashing at the cats using <Aura Blade> to increase his attack power by 50%. In moments, there were 4 killed, one level 6 and three level 5. Jair cursed, and went to the next target. He always liked to compete with Breno.

The fight continued and it was like a contest of who killed faster, with the sound of blades and explosions of fireballs and explosive arrows sounding everywhere.

When it ended, the monsters had already been exterminated, leaving just the boss. This boss was level 7. Everyone already knew it was Nero\'s target.

Holding the Black Widow, Nero, at a speed that eyes couldn\'t see, passed the boss. A trail of blood appeared on the Lion King\'s neck and his head fell off.

"Okay, get everything and let\'s go to the second floor," Nero said.

On the second floor, it was infested with gorillas. There was an average of 100 of them, twice as much as the first floor.

"There are about 20 at level 7. They are mine." Nero had already claimed them. Nobody objected against it. Nero was already helping them a lot, letting her keep the strong ones wasn\'t a problem.

Amazingly, their killing speed didn\'t slow down. Their attacks were powerful, and they already learned a little bit to coordinate on the first floor. Now they fought without disturbing each other.

Honda saw that a level 6 gorilla was about to attack Jair\'s back and used <Explosive Arrow>, which caught in the monster\'s stomach, exploding, causing massive damage.

Nero was like a ghost on the battlefield. Her speed was so fast that while she was killing one monster, she was already killing another one. She ended up killing ten Level 7 gorillas in less than 2 minutes. Choko wasn\'t far behind at level 9, and with an equipment set that gave a lot of status, she moved fast while killing the gorillas.

4 minutes later Nero had killed all the level 7 gorillas. There were a total of 21. Choko had killed 15 to 20 level 6 gorillas with powerful attacks. When she finished killing the thirtieth, she stopped and went to Nero. She wanted to leave it to the rest too, since she was killing these gorillas too quickly.

Honda managed to kill about ten. She was fast with arrows, attacking from a distance. Jingu was almost the same with her samurai sword. Jair, Breno, and Jana had a little more difficulty. After all, the monsters were at their level.

"Well, I\'ll kill the boss in the meantime. Or do you want to kill him?" Nero looked at Choko.

"I\'m fine, you can go ahead," Choko said.

"Is that so?" Nero left and went to the boss, who was level 8. But when Nero just swung her sword, it launched a jet made of dark energy and cut the gorilla in two.

"I killed 66, *Degozaru*," Jingu said proudly.

"I killed 67, *Degozaru*," Honda mimicked Jingu to taunt her.

"Damn... Don\'t imitate me, degozaru," Jingu pouted and then said under her breath, "I just missed it."

"Loss is loss. Don\'t be a sore loser, Jingu," Honda said.

"That\'s right, gozaru," Jingu sighed.

"Okay, enough of this! Let\'s go to the third floor so I can collect my prizes," Nero said jokingly.

Arriving on the third floor, as expected, the penguins felt Nero\'s aura and knelt without moving.

"I\'ll stick with the level 8+ ones. I\'ll leave level 7 for the rest of you." Nero was generous.

There was about 200 level 7 penguins, and there were almost 300 penguins in total. 96 of them were level 8. Nero collected them all after they were killed.

When Jingu and the rest went to kill them, the penguins tried to attack, but when Nero looked, they stopped. The boss was also stopped and Nero killed and collected its body. Jana and the rest got an average of 33 level 7 penguins.

"Well I and Choko are going to the next floor. You can all come along together, but stay at the bottom of the stairs. It\'s likely that the weakest one is level 8," Nero said.

"Yeah." They agreed. They weren\'t fools, and they all knew their limits. But they were sure of one thing, thanks to Nero giving them these penguins they would probably make it to level 8. With that, next time they wouldn\'t need to stay out of the fight.

Mooing echoed as they reached floor 4. Cows and horned bulls were everywhere. In a quick calculation, it was easy to determine that there were more than 400, maybe 450 to 500. And apart from that, the Boss who was a 5 meter black bull at level 12.

\'Now that I think about it, I don\'t know how to use this rune thing. I don\'t even know how to go about it, although I\'ve tried it. Do I need to draw or something on paper?\' Nero was confused. But she didn\'t think about it too much.

"Let me test the seas first," Nero said. With quick steps, she reached the crowd of bulls and cows, attacking a cow, cutting off her head. Nero became the target of the bulls and cows around. Quickly, Nero killed them all by brandishing the Black Widow.

When more than ten of them died, the others began to run. Nero stopped at that and went back to Choko.

"Choko, did you see that? If you attack one, they rage and attack together, but if you kill too many of them, they get scared. So I advise you to kill quickly, and after killing a group of them, step back and recover. Don\'t continue and end up in danger, okay?" Nero said.

"Sounds good." Choko understood.

Choko did the same as Nero. She walked in the middle of a group of level 8 bulls and cows and they were enraged when Choko used her ability and gave them a punching session, blowing a bull\'s head off.

After that, she was attacked by angry bulls and cows. Using her agility, she dodged and used her skills, and when she had to wait for the cooldown, she used normal punches, but they were still powerful enough.. In the end, she killed 8, saved everything on the Hunter Card, and used <Lightning Leap>, which evolved to level 2 before she retreated.

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