TranXending Vision

Chapter 826 - The Chief and The Monkey

Pakistan, Peshawar.

The terminal market was filled to the brim with people. There seemed to be more humans than goods.

“Bullshit!” A woman screamed. She had a youthful face but her chest was the most impressive part of her body. She raised a low-cost phone high to smash it onto the ground but ultimately dropped the thought. The enraged woman cussed. “Fucking hell, what kind of fucking phone is this? There’s no way my man would give me a fake number. Why won’t my calls go through? I’ve already changed my phone several times!”

“Chief Szlamy, how about I bring a few of our sisters to go kidnap that phone dealer?” A middle-aged woman rushed over to her side. Her expression was terrifyingly cold, looking like she was plotting murder.

Out of everyone, the dude had chosen to scam an authority figure of the White Hun tribe.

He had chosen death.

“Are you stupid?!” Szlamy glared at her subordinate. “We’re in Pakistan, not Afghanistan. There are laws against kidnapping, you know?” Szlamy didn’t forget to add on, “Did all of your intelligence go to your breasts?”

The middle-aged woman stared at Szlamy’s proud chest and chuckled. “Chief, yours is much bigger than mine. I think you should pick another insult against me. I can’t help but feel sorry if you continue to use that.”

Szlamy’s arm whipped over but the older woman had skillfully dodged the slap.

A few of the White Hun females around them began to laugh, obviously amused by their banter.

The insult she had used was ironic as Szlamy’s bust size was, in fact, the largest among their tribe. This was probably the best joke of the year.

“Oi! Stop laughing! Focus on your work!” Szlamy looked ferocious. “Have you all sold off the goods? Where’s the money?”

A few women approached her and surrendered all the cash they received from trade.

A very honest and mild-looking old lady passed a thick stack of American dollars to Szlamy.

“Huh? How did you get this much money?” Szlamy stared at the dollar bills in shock.

“I don’t know, chief. I sold the white powders we snatched to an American. He said nothing else and handed me this stack of cash for it.” The old lady scratched her messy hair. “I guess he’s not sane.”

“You’re the one who’s crazy. You just sold drugs for an insanely cheap price,” one woman said.

“Drugs? What are those? I think it just looks like flour,” replied the old lady confusedly.

Szlamy stored the money. “Come, let’s go walk around. I’ll buy you all anything you like.”

“I want ten panties, all of them red!”

“I want ten bras, they must be of good quality.”

“Can I ask for twenty packs of sanitary pads?”

“Can you buy me one of those rechargeable vibrators?”

“What the fuck?”

“Chief, your man hasn’t been back for a while. I think you should buy one too.”


Amidst the laughter, Szlamy pouted. Her eyes were filled with profound sadness. Since young, she had always been a girl beaming with joy. She had never grasped the concept of sadness. It was until Xia Lei left her that she understood what sorrow meant. Every night, she would climb to the top of her roof and gaze into the direction of China. She missed Xia Lei oh so dearly.

“Even this disgusting phone is bullying me. Why won’t it just let my calls get through?” The more her mind was fixated on it, the more resentment she felt. Overwhelmed with feelings, Szlamy finally slammed the device onto the ground.

“Chief, that phone was brand new. If you didn’t want it, you could’ve given it to me.”

A woman quickly rushed over to pick up the broken phone.

But before she could get her hands on it, a rougher and bigger palm had picked it up before her. The White Hun female was about to explode when she heard a man’s voice. “Damn, you’re still as fiery as ever. You have big boobs but no brain. Couldn’t you have gone to the dealer and have him activate your international long-distance call feature? How could you expect your calls to get through without that?”

That voice was no stranger to her ears.

The woman lifted her head to look at the unfamiliar face. Huh? The voice belonged to a particular man but she hadn’t seen his face before.

Szlamy came over and stared at Xia Lei blankly. Her lips twitched, tempted to call out his name. However, the unfamiliar face before her made her hesitate.

“What are you staring at? I’m talking to you, Miss big-boobs-with-no-brain,” replied the man. The corners of his lips curled into a gentle smile.

Recognition finally clicked in Szlamy’s brain. She cheered and immediately tackled him. She didn’t care if they were in public. As soon as she came close to him, she leapt and enveloped his waist with her legs. Her arms circled around his neck. There, under the eyes of the curious passers-by, she smooched the man noisily.

The women turned to look at each other.

“Is our chief so man-crazy? We’ve got quite a lot of good men in our tribe. She could’ve enjoyed any number of men she wanted. I’m sure it’s not necessary for her to hook up with a random stranger.”

“That man just called her big boobs with no brain.”

“Yeah! How could she still tackle him and even give him a kiss? If it were me, I would’ve slapped the shit out of him.”

“But I got to admit. His voice sounds very familiar. He sounded like that man.”

“Which man?”

“Are you stupid? Of course it would be the chief’s man. You know, that Chinese dude named Xia Lei?”

“No way, Xia Lei is very handsome. His skin is firm and his body is full of vigour. He looks great when working too...”

“I swear I only mentioned his voice, where the fuck are you bringing this conversation to?”

Meanwhile, Szlamy pried herself off the man then grabbed his hand passionately. “Come, let’s go to a hotel.”

The man quickly replied, “How about you come to mine? I’ve prepared some things for you.” The man looked over at the other women, “Come with us too. Just speak up, I can treat you to anything you like.”

“Ah, that’s great!” It didn’t take long before one of them exclaimed, “I want ten panties!”

“I want ten bras!”

“I want...”

They began to chatter noisily.

Bewildered, the man uttered something in Chinese. “They’re such simple women...”

Szlamy directed a cheeky grin at them. “You brainless bitches, do you know who he is? Guess what, my man is back!”

Shocked, one of them muttered, “You’re Xia...”

He quickly halted them with an extended finger against his lips. “Shh...”

Which effectively silenced her.

Yes, the man with the unfamiliar face was indeed Xia Lei. Originally, he had planned to take the plane home to China from Islamabad. As soon as he made it to the capital city, he had a sudden change of mind. Since he was already there, it meant Xia Lei wasn’t far from Peshawar. He knew that the White Huns had a stronghold in Peshawar where the women of the tribe traded their specialities and made necessary purchases once in a while. Xia Lei had intended to gift the tribe all the weapons that he and the Chinese Zodiac Battle Team had brought over along with some cash. Though he hadn’t expected to meet Szlamy in Peshawar. He had only known of her presence as soon as he found out where their stronghold was.

Szlamy happily led him away, letting the rest of her tribe chatter behind them.

While they were walking, Szlamy asked, “Xia, are the two following behind us your people?”

Though he had on a human mask, Xia Lei decided it would best to bring along support when dealing with a place like Peshawar. The two behind them were Tsukino Kyoko and E’er DEmutu, who were both terrifyingly skilled assassins.

Xia Lei didn’t turn his head back, only returning her with a slight nod. “You can ignore them, let’s just focus on shopping. What would you like? I can buy it for you.”

“I only like you.”

Xia Lei smiled. “Sure, you can have me.” He paused for a brief moment then asked, “Did you guys ride your horses to get here?”

“Yeah, we have no car.”

“How about this? I’ll buy a few vehicles for your tribe along with a cargo truck and a four-wheel-drive suitable for the mountain areas. That way, your tribe wouldn’t need to go through such a horrendous journey. You could even bring more goods with you.”

“How could I? It’s going to cost a lot of money.”

“There’s no need to worry about money.”

“No, that’s not right. I haven’t even borne your children. I can’t ask too much from you. How about I birth a child for you? That way, I’ll feel more at ease to receive your cars.”

After making a round around the streets, the White Hun females had shopped till they couldn’t walk anymore. Xia Lei’s gifts to them were more than they had expected. The sheer number of things they received had even exceeded their carrying capacity. In the end, Xia Lei hired a little truck to deliver them back to their stronghold.

Following that, Xia Lei brought Szlamy to his hotel room.

In the room was a large plastic case.

“Open it up.” Xia Lei instructed.

“What’s inside of it?”

“You’ll know once you open it.”

“Ah, I get it. This box is meant for weapon storage.” Szlamy directed him a lewd grin and continued, “But I don’t want the guns in the box. I want your gun.”

Xia Lei was speechless.

Not waiting for a reply, Szlamy immediately snuggled into his embrace.

“You’re so cruel. You didn’t even bother to visit me for so long.”

“The CIA was after me, I couldn’t go to Afghanistan.” Noticing something, he quickly mentioned, “Hey, why are you trying to take off my pants?”

Szlamy extended her arm and pushed him onto the bed. She climbed over and straddled him.

A hundred words were no match for a simple action that would bring joy to her, conversations were no longer needed.

“How long are you staying this time?”

“I’m leaving by tomorrow.”

“No! You’re here for only one day?”

“This place is too dangerous for me, I can’t stay long. I only came to visit you and gift these things to your tribe.”

Szlamy went slumped against Xia Lei’s broad chest. She looked absolutely pitiful. “I understand that you’ve got a very special identity and the Americans are after you but I missed you so much. I think of you every night.”

“Once things are settled, I’ll be able to visit you more frequently.”

“Then you should give me a little monkey.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ll carry a little monkey of yours. When you’re not around, I can at least play with him. Seeing him would be like seeing you.” There was some tenderness to Szlamy’s voice but her actions were not the least bit gentle.

“Oh, I see what you mean by that.” Xia Lei could only give a wry smile.

“Are you going to give it to me?”

“Yeah, I will, I will.”

“You’re the best! You’re not gonna get a single wink of sleep tonight!”

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