Shadow Monarch: Heroines Could Hear My Thoughts?!

Chapter 194 194- The Era Of Miracles (Part 1)

Chapter 194- The Era Of Miracles (Part 1)

After ending her call with her brother, Elise made her way to Rin\'s room. This had been her routine for days now as she made sure to take care of Rin and attend to all of his needs.

His recovery required great care as he can\'t properly move alone even if he wanted to. Even eating required special food that won\'t make his body use extra energy to digest. Luckily, Elise wasn\'t a bad cook herself and so she could make dishes that Rin could eat.

Reaching the boys\' dorm room, she entered through the front door without much problem. Normally, she wouldn\'t be allowed in the perimeter of this place but Emilia had made it possible after talking with this floor\'s master.

Walking to the door to Rin\'s room, she knocked on the door and then entered inside. There, she found Rin, on the bed, sleeping soundly.

\'I shouldn\'t wake him up.\' She thought as she approached the bed, put the tray with food on the table, and then sat down on the chair, looking directly at the sleeping boy. His calm, rhythmic breathing, the rising and falling of his chest and the quiet sounds he made in his sleep were akin to a peaceful symphony that Elise could listen to forever without ever getting bored.

\'I doubt anyone would understand what he is feeling right now.\' She thought as she put her hand on Rin\'s hand. Examining it, she could feel the calluses and the roughness of it.

\'We did go through a lot, didn\'t we, Rin?\' She asked in her head as she kept fondling his hand.

\'Our lives have been a rollercoaster. But, we somehow managed to stay alive for this long. Even though the upcoming war is like nothing we have ever seen before, I will never let anything try and stop us.\'

The world was in chaos and Rin was blaming himself for it. However, none of that mattered to Elise. It was true that if she could, she would definitely save the lives of billions of people.

Still, her highest priority is Rin and Rin alone. If he is safe and sound, then everything else comes afterward.


Waking up from her trance, she looked directly at Rin\'s parted lips as they breathed quietly. For some reason, she felt very attracted to them. No matter how much she tries to pull her eyes away from them.

Instinctively, her body leaned forward, slowly, as if it was the most natural thing that could happen.

Closer and closer, she approached Rin\'s face. His eyes, his mouth, his nose, his skin, and his slightly long hair that reached near his nape.

\'He might need a haircut.\' She thought as something weird swirled in her eyes.

She didn\'t know why, but seeing Rin from this close made her heartbeat increase a little bit. Something about watching his sleeping face felt exciting for her.

\'If I touch his face, would it wake him up?\' She asked herself.

Even though she knew that she mustn\'t annoy Rin, her mind wasn\'t working properly at the moment. Everything became blurry and only her lover\'s silhouette was left in her vision.

Her hand then extended and with the gentlest touch possible, laid on his cheek. The soft sensation of his skin reached Elise and made her urge to squeeze his cheek stronger than ever. However, before she could even do anything, her eyes widened as she noticed something.

All the secondary thoughts vanished as she returned to her fully awakened mind.

\'What is this?!\' Looking down, she put her other hand on Rin\'s chest and then closed her eyes.

A few seconds passed before she opened them again, looking shocked beyond words.

\'Mana… I can feel mana surging through his body!\'

It wasn\'t a mistake, Elise knew the feeling of mana way too well to misunderstand what she sensed inside Rin\'s body.

\'How could… this be? Wait…\'

Suddenly, she remembered what Rin told her a few days ago. The \'plan\' he had in mind was to heal his body.

\'It… worked? I thought it wouldn\'t even do much!\'

Releasing her hand, Elise looked at Rin with a deep expression on her face.

\'Even though the mana moving around isn\'t even a speck of what Rin has. It\'s still definitely there and yet… only a few days passed!\'

Emilia had predicted that it would take a few months to years for a normal person to recover from a core injury. However, she also said that for someone as abnormal as Rin, she wouldn\'t be surprised if he took a few weeks to recover.

\'But, in a few days… this is beyond anything Emilia predicted.\'

"I have to get Emilia here…" Muttering, Elise stood up and left the room quickly.

Some time passed before she came back with Emilia in tow.

"What is it? You didn\'t want to tell me in my office. Is Rin fine?" Emilia asked with a slightly worried tone.

She was almost certain that nothing bad happened considering the way Elise acted. However, abnormalities are still something to worry about. Rin\'s situation was just that dangerous and fragile.

Sitting down, Emilia touched Akio\'s chest and closed her eyes. A few seconds later, her eyes opened wide with an even more shocked face than Elise had.

"W-What?!" She blurted out as her brows furrowed tightly.

\'His recovery speed… it\'s not the same as when I first checked his body. It\'s at least 5 times faster!\'

"Rin… what did he do?" She looked back at Elise for an explanation.


"This is a serious matter, Elise. If he did something then it\'s completely abnormal."

"I… Sigh, he increased the speed of his blood circulation to make his recovery speed increase."

"Increase his blood circulation speed? How did he even… Wait, don\'t tell me…"

"The dagger he acquired… Its powers are capable of such a feat. I tried to top him at first, but he didn\'t comply at all. Then, he showed me how he was doing it and since I didn\'t sense any danger, I deemed it safe enough for him to do it."

"That\'s extremely dangerous! If he increases his blood pressure over his body\'s capabilities, his heart will explode and he will die instantly!"

"He had been doing it for the day. I think his control over the blood dagger is good enough not to reach such extreme cases." Elis replied.

"Still, this is reckless! He should\'ve let his body naturally recover. Are you not worried about him?" Emilia felt her anger rising.

"Of course I am. But, do you think Rin would listen to us even if we told him to do that? I know Rin more than anyone else. He won\'t accept staying in bed for weeks when he has a tool that could make him recover quicker. That\'s how he is as a person. He would always prioritize what he needed to do over his own health." Elise retorted with a strong gaze.

"I\'m beyond worried. The only person that I cherish in this world is bedridden and risking his life just so he can stand up again as quickly as possible. But, I also trust that he will never throw his life away. He values his life because, without it, he can\'t protect what he cares for."


Thanks for reading. Any support you give me is always appreciated no matter how small it was. Let\'s all keep it up :)

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